Wednesday, January 12, 2011

the relief diet...

Being a girl I am no stranger to the word "diet" - I think if I look back I've probably been on some form of a diet since the 5th grade after Sister Annette explained the food pyramid to us. This first week "back to the grind" as everybody keeps so nicely reminding me I have put myself on what I've decided is "The Relief Diet". This diet consists of feeling so much relief that all things wedding: planning, organizing, family time oh boy the family time and major carb avoidance's have ceased - that you eat whatever the heck you feel like eating! or in my case basically whatever is in front of your face

I think I've also fondly referred to this as the "fat and happy's" - I can completely see now how this happens to people. You get fat because you are so gosh darn happy, you just don't care about anything else! This feeling is definitely lightyears from your single days - where your hot body was the best accessory you could rock on a Saturday night. I've been married twelve days and have already caught myself saying "who cares - I'm married" to myself before eating that second piece of pizza. ok busted - third piece of pizza...This week I have officially put myself on the relief diet.

In my commitment to be a great wife I plan to do my best to avoid the fat portion of the "fat and happy's". Luckily, the 10 weeks prior to the wedding we committed to a "10 week body transformation" program called Kosama. Even luckier we tricked ourselves into signing up to do the body maintenance there through June. we'll use luckier - loosely. So it will officially be "back to the grind" Monday when I remove myself from the relief diet and walk back through Kosama's doors.

So basically, my tip to keep your body wedding day fabulous is to lock yourself financially into some sort of work-out program BEFORE the wedding is over! ha. because at this point it feels like approximately 98% of the reason I'm headed back. least I'm honest...

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