Thursday, January 13, 2011

Church School and Snowblowers?'s been an interesting day. Due to Murphy's Law (if it can happen - it will)  our welcome home from paradise was a snowstorm and a (un)matching broken snowblower. *dislike* in facebook speak So today my husband asked me on our first official date as a married couple which turned out to be a trip to the local John Deere dealership to "look" at snowblowers. yes we're apparently going to go ALL OUT for dates in this marriage During our trip I figured out a couple of things I will need to remember in the future trips where I am invited by him to go "look" at something.

1) We need to do a little research on products we're looking at and the reviews they have before we go - because now when when the 65 year old sales guy wearing Spalding tennis shoes, Levis, and a crew cut John Deere sweatshirt tells you the product will last for twenty five years - you step back and realize you might actually be in the same house with the same man lets hope this one is for sure needing the same product. It was so surreal to picture Derek clearly not me snow-blowing our driveway with that very snow blower in twenty five years. It made me start to picture where else our lives would be then. I'm not sure on that but i DO know we will have a clean driveway!

2) Before you go on the "looking" journey you should probably check your bank account - because you probably aren't just "looking" - you are setting up a delivery time. Derek rarely want's to buy things so I just have to accept that when he does it's probably a good purchase even though it SUCKS to spend $800 right now on something that will simply get the freakin' snow out of the driveway...BUT if you live in a snowy area - you know snow removal is KEY when it's needed. So, I'm proud to announce I was happy to make this sacrifice of our bank account to make things much easier on my husband in the winter months. We are officially the proud owners of a brand spankin' new snow blower.
(please don't get TOO jealous ladies!) Besides - when he goes out to snow blow, I get to be in the house making hot chocolate with marshmallows, baking cookies and starting a fire to warm him up to work on my goal of - best wife ever!

Along the lines of sacrifices, my amazing husband so nicely agreed to become Catholic for me and for us. but let's be honest mostly for me ; ) Before we were officially engaged we had the "religion" discussion - I grew up in a Catholic school and was pretty involved in my church here so he agreed to make the commitment to Catholicism. So now every Thursday night (since August and through Easter) we have church school. Tonight during class - I looked over at Derek and realized the sacrifice he is making for me and for our family. He did not have to go through this process to marry me etc... he just decided it was in our best interest and went for it. Not only is he going to class - he actually is involved during class and is always asking me questions. He definitely is putting effort into it and I really appreciate it. I want to be that kind of wife for him. I hope he knows if there is something important to him I will fully support him and do everything I can to be involved in that part of his world. Isn't that what this marriage stuff is all about? It amazes me how good it feels to do these things together.

Has anybody else made any compromises or sacrifices for their marriage?? or like us - in the process of these changes?


  1. I love your post. You are so right, there are many sacrifices and compromises to make in a marriage. I see my husband and I making them all the time...sometimes you don't realize it until you sit back and think about it :)

  2. thanks Kristin - i'm starting to realize more and more sacrifices each day, it's funny how they don't seem so bad when the person you are making them for is worth it!

  3. At this point I'd like to share snippets of Noel's "conversion" story with you. We had our first date at a United Methodist Youth Fellowship activity. (Went to see Romeo and Juliet). When we became engaged your Great-Grandma Pat gave him a book titled "How High Is The Wall", written from a Methodist view telling why one should not be "unevenly yoked", and specifically told why one should NOT marry a Catholic. I might still have that somewhere...anyway, in 1971 we lived in a little town without a Catholic Church in it, and after my having a few "car problems" while trying to get to Mass, he decided to accompany me. In the fall of '72 he said he felt we needed unity of faith, especially since we wanted kids. I was raised by a mother who was the secretary of St. Boniface school, and I considered the church and convent practically my second home. To his recollection his folks would send him to Sunday School and not go themselves. He said it was obvious to him what needed to happen. He took instructions, but wanted them to be from the St. Bon. pastor who married us, instead of the pastor in Salix.

    We would come to Sioux City to visit his folks every Sunday afternoon, and then he'd tell them, "'Gotta go. 'Got an appointment with a priest." He would go visit with Fr. Odoric and I'd go see my mom for a while.

    In December,when it came time for his baptism, he asked his folks if they wanted to attend, his mom got really ticked off. His dad, Ray, just said, "Is that all it is? I was afraid you guys were having marriage trouble!"

    God bless Noel...

    I know this is long, but I'd like to add a comment on the snowblower. When we got married, Noel was the "outside guy". He was so good at everything. Renovating our homes, gardening, etc., and he took pride in it. When he became a firefighter, on his days off he worked with another guy in remodeling and buildings garages. And of course, he did the mowing and snowblowing. When he got cancer, I needed to do more and more. One thing I will always remember is when WE went, in December of 2007, to Lowe's to get a new snowblower, he deferred to me, for a change, on the choice of size and features. Thinking back, he must have KNOWN I was going to be the one using it. Even though I am not at all a fan of the cold and snow, I get a smile on my face whenever I fire it up. =) Hint: Time for you two to give each other a big hug.

  4. Haha, our "dates" usually consist of a weekly trip to the gas station and then out for burgers!
