Tuesday, February 8, 2011

In sickness and in health...

oh boy am I THANKFUL Derek took this vow seriously! I haven't blogged in a while because my new acquaintance Tracheitis came unexpectedly to stay for a week long visit. He arrived on Tuesday and tried his best to stick around forever but I bid him adieu (mostly) on Sunday.

It turns out Tracheitis comes with a very sore throat, a deep cough, a fever that did not go under 100 degrees for four days and I couldn't even stand up on Thursday and Friday enough to be in the shower - but I had to be in the shower  to let the steam in and my amazing husband helped me every step of the way with everything!

Derek could have very easily just let me take care of myself. Instead he totally stepped up to the plate, by forcing me to let him take care of me. He got my medicine for me and kept the three prescriptions straight as to when I was supposed to take what. He tried coming up with food suggestions (even though I had no appetite) and while he was at work everyday he was constantly checking up on me.

Finally by Sunday I was able to breathe...now i'm just stuck with the cough that was left behind to remind me of what was.

Sometimes when I get really sick like that - as pathetic as it is - I tend to really want my mom around. At one point I asked Derek if he would ask my mom to come down (I couldn't talk on the phone) and he said "no - it's you and me now babe - don't you think I take good enough care of you?" of COURSE I think you take great care of me! How could I be so rude to ask for somebody else!? So it really made me think that it really IS him and I now, we're a team and we're going to work through ALL of our vows together...and that is exciting! Sometimes I look at him and say can you believe you are my HUSBAND?! I still think that is crazy. (in a good way - duh!)

1 comment:

  1. I actually like it that you still want your Mom around :)
